Ending the weight loss hopelessness always felt like a search for normal to me.  All I wanted was to be “normal” with food.

I didn’t understand that normal people didn’t eat an entire package of Oreos in one sitting all the damn time.

I felt out of control, and like everyone was different than I was.  And they were just a little.

The biggest difference between me and the normal people was that I coped with life using food, and they lived life and dealt with how they felt not using food.

This episode talks about why our search for normal is focused in the wrong place.  

Focusing on normal habits first is such a huge help.  But the big issue I see is women want to change it All at once.  This doesn’t work.  Trying to change a lifetime of habits all at the same time is a recipe for disaster.

This is like my 16 year old “loving the idea” of taking extra classes in high school.  She did it!  She got special approval to take an extra class.  But she also changed from Brick and Mortar school to Online school this year.

Guess what?

Within a week, she was overwhelmed and she withdrew.

This is what we do with weight loss.  We try to change all the habits because we “love the idea” of being that healthy person, but within a week we quit.

So let’s take a look at the idea of “normal”, and see how we can move slowly to coping without using food, and how we can do it in a way that we don’t suddenly feel helpless a week into the process.

If you’re ready to make a serious commitment to your weight loss and give up the idea of a quick fix so you can reach your weight loss goals.  Get my free guide to the 4 pillars of weight loss.  It is the bonus for signing up for the ONEder-Sister’s Inner Circle waitlist.  https://ONEderlandWellness.net/ONEder-Sisters


Don’t Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Grab your detailed Workbook to finally stop stress eating for FREE

Stop Stress and Emotional Eating to Reach ONEderland

Weight Loss Hopelessness Women Reaching ONEderland

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

Ending the Weight Loss Hopelessness-The Search for Normal.