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Mindset Archives - ONEderland Wellness
3 Easy Weight Loss Tips Using a Printable Habit Tracker (Little Known Secrets)

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips Using a Printable Habit Tracker (Little Known Secrets)

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips Using a Printable Habit Tracker (Little Known Secrets)

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips that make weight loss automatic and maintenance a breeze using a printable habit tracker printable…. and no that isn’t the little know secret about habit trackers… tracker printables make weight loss automatic.

Quit Fighting Yourself-Make Habits

Weight loss can be auto-magical, create simply healthy habits to reach your goal.



Free Printable Habit Trackers - Easy Weight Loss Tips

If you’re building your healthy lifestyle, do you ever get overwhelmed with all the things and then just give it all up? Well today we’re actually talking about how you can avoid doing that because that will not get you where you want to be.

Keystone Habits

Keystone habits are “small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives” (The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg).

Focusing on the Keystone habits for weight loss all your weight loss journey to become automatic. Or even auto-magical.

The keystone habits for weight loss include the following 5 items:

  1. Increasing water
  2. Tracking what you eat without judgement
  3. Increasing movement in 5 minute chunks
  4. Mood Awareness
  5. Self-Care
  6. **Bonus-Sleep

Why Should I Track Daily?


Tracking your daily progress is important because it can help you to identify any patterns or changes you get to make to make these adjustments easier.

The biggest advantage to tracking daily, is the motivation it causes. The more little checks you make on your daily tracker, the more the brain fires off rewards. These small wins over time, creates your Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

The more motivated you are, the more the craving for healthy becomes a “thing”

And the Quicker you will reach your goals no matter what your weight loss goal is.

There is a free Habit Tracker printable available that will help you get started.

Do Habit Trackers Work?

Habit trackers work because they visually remind you, they create a reward for “doing the thing”.

Habit trackers are a motivational force to keep your journey to healthy top of mind, so that circumstances and don’t take you off track from reaching your goals.

Changing habits takes focus, but it’s difficult to focus with the craziness of life getting in the way. The best part of creating a habit, is it becomes a natural part of who you are. The habit trackers give you the tool to make it automatic, so you don’t have to focus anymore, you just do it.

Besides being a way to change your lifestyle, habit trackers can also help you enjoy new things while focusing on the process rather than the outcome.

The cheat code to implementing habits is to add them to existing routines… more on that later. ;)

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips-Using the printable habit trackers

Easy Weight Loss Tip 1

Celebrate your small wins. If your goal is to drink more water (make the amount specific), then celebrate every time you get just a little closer to that goal. This is about progress not perfection.

Just think… all those times you went off the rails because you weren’t perfect. Let’s do it different this time and celebrate the small wins.

Easy Weight Loss Tip 2

Track the small stuff. Weight loss happens and stays gone when we are able to make permanent change. So by tracking the small stuff, we are able to stick with the changes.

It’s all about the small simple steps you take everyday. If you can make some of those steps automatic, it really has a huge effect on your health.


Easy Weight Loss Tip 3

Build in the motivation with habits. This is so helpful with the entire journey. You can fast forward to 4:50 in the video to learn exactly why I think this.:)

Using printable habit trackers make weight loss a lot easier. You can get my favorite ones here. (They are mine, so of course they are my favorite. LOL)

Wrap Up

Free printable habit trackers are a great place to start building a simply healthy lifestyle. The give you a jumping off point to figure how what habits will give you the biggest bang for your buck as you work on your weight loss. The Simply Healthy Lifestyle free printable habit tracker pdf includes the keystone habits for weight loss and a simply healthy lifestyle.

I hope the easy weight loss tips help you figure out which of the core habits you need to track to reach your goal.

3 Easy Weight Loss Tips Using A Printable habit tracker

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

A Focus Switch-The Goal:Create Healthy Habits That Help You Become A Healthy Person You Want To Be

A Focus Switch-The Goal:Create Healthy Habits That Help You Become A Healthy Person You Want To Be

A Focus Switch-The Goal:Create Healthy Habits That Help You Become A Healthy Person You Want To Be

Here’s a new weight loss video for every woman struggling to get below 199 on the scale (Reach ONEderland) who wants to find a plan that works for you without focusing on the number on the scale  and fast weight loss without having to watch the scale go back up again.

Hi, I’m Michelle. I help women just like you get off the weight loss rollercoaster and reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there.

I can help you because I was you!  Guess what? I have lost 100+ pounds 3 times in my life.  The last time, I cracked the code to 100 pound weight loss that is consistent and maintainable.  Allowing you to lose weight the way you’ll maintain it..

Here’s the scoop when it comes to weight loss…


Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Why you want a Focus Switch-The Goal is to Create Healthy Habits That Help You Become A Healthy Person You Want To Be

The number on the scale has taken so many of us off track, over and over. But in reality it’s our mindset and how we feel about ourselves that are truly taking us off track.

Here are a few tricks to help you switch focus!

  • The number on the scale is just one metric of success, but we put all our focus on this one number


  • In the big picture there is a lot more to being healthy than the number on the scale


  • Don’t overwrite all your habits at once.


  • Focusing on something small like walking 5 minutes every hour, or drinking water or even decluttering different areas of our house all help us lose weight.


  • One of my Inner Circle Sister’s started her journey focusing on decluttering her house, walking her dog and planning her meals, she has dropped a size in a month. 



Now, if you’re a woman struggling to get below 199 on the scale  who is committed to really make this work for you, let me invite you to hop on the waitlist list for ONEder-Sister’s Inner Circle- there is a special bonus mini class there for you to help you start changing your focus at ONEder-Sisters Inner Circle so you can  and fast weight loss instantly… without having to watch the scale go back up again!



Stop Stress Eating With Habits

Big-Take-Aways For Staying Consistent and Reaching ONEderland!

So, here’s what I’d like every woman struggling to get below 199 on the scale  to take away from this video

  1. Fast weight loss is not permanent weight loss, switching your focus from the number on the scale is the first step to actually reaching your goal weight.
  2. Being discouraged by the speed of your weight loss, says you are only focused on the number on the scale.  It’s time to change your focus to NON-scale healthy goals.
  3. NON-Scale healthy goals will help the number on the scale go down, and emotionally it will help you feel small successes over time.
  4. What can you focus on in your little world that isn’t the number on the scale?

The big idea here is that you can find a plan that works for you without letting the scale take you off track without having to watch the scale go back up again.


Printable Habit Trackers For Easy Weight Loss

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

Consistent Weight Loss Formula For Women Struggling To Reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale)

Consistent Weight Loss Formula For Women Struggling To Reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale)

Consistent Weight Loss Formula For Women Struggling To Reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale)

Here’s a new weight loss video for every woman struggling to get below 199 on the scale (Reach ONEderland) who wants to find a plan that works for you without focusing on the number on the scale  and fast weight loss without having to watch the scale go back up again.

Hi, I’m Michelle. I help women just like you get off the weight loss rollercoaster and reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there.

I can help you because I was you!  Guess what? I have lost 100+ pounds 3 times in my life.  The last time, I cracked the code to 100 pound weight loss that is consistent and maintainable.  Allowing you to lose weight the way you’ll maintain it..

Here’s the scoop when it comes to weight loss…


Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Switch Focus From The Number On The Scale To Reach ONEderland

The number on the scale has taken so many of us off track, over and over. But in reality it’s our mindset and how we feel about ourselves that are truly taking us off track.

Here are a few tricks to help you switch focus!

  • The number on the scale is just one metric of success, but we put all our focus on this one number
  • In the big picture there is a lot more to being healthy than the number on the scale
  • We need the number on the scale, to show us our success in the other area’s of getting healthy
  • But creating NON-Scale goals is a true identifier of success with weight loss
  • Try creating goals that have nothing to do with the scale and track your success there
  • Don’t overwrite all your habits at once.

Now, if you’re a woman struggling to get below 199 on the scale  who is committed to really make this work for you, let me invite you to hop on the waitlist list for ONEder-Sister’s Inner Circle- there is a special bonus mini class there for you to help you start changing your focus at ONEder-Sisters Inner Circle so you can  and fast weight loss instantly… without having to watch the scale go back up again!



Stop Stress Eating With Habits

Big-Take-Aways For Staying Consistent and Reaching ONEderland!

So, here are the big takeaways for every woman struggling to get below 199 on the scale and reach ONEderland  from today’s video:

  1. Fast weight loss is not permanent weight loss, switching your focus from the number on the scale is the first step to actually reaching your goal weight.
  2. Being discourage by the speed of your weight loss, says you are only focused on the number on the scale.  It’s time to change your focus to NON-scale healthy goals.
  3. NON-Scale healthy goals will help the number on the scale go down, and emotionally it will help you feel small successes over time.

The big takeaway here is that you can stay on track when the scale depresses you and takes you off track without having to watch the scale go back up again.


Printable Habit Trackers For Easy Weight Loss

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

Feel Like Diets Fail You?

Feel Like Diets Fail You?

Feel Like Diets Fail You?

I always felt like I failed at my diets… but ya know what?  I didn’t fail, the diets failed me!  The big problem with me dieting was that it was always a short term fix. Diets fail because we shoot for fast instead of forever!

Well as short term as it can be when you have over a 100 pounds to lose.

Overall,  I was doing everything the diet industry says to do to lose weight.  But it didn’t work for me. It didn’t work for me because it was extreme.  I was completely overhauling everything all at once.

Once I learned to make small changes overtime, and of course a little patience, I was able to get on track and stay on track consistently and lose weight.

Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

I have 3 small tips to keep the diet from failing you.  Diets fail because we go to extremes, and completely change everything all at once.

The 5 small tips will help you stay on track without the extremes.  :)

Diets Fail Because We Focus on Too Many Nutrition Rules

Are you focused on Carbs, or Keto or Whole 30?  This first tip will save you a ton of time and money.  

In the 100 Pound Weight Loss Formula we cover the nutrition basics that will lead you to health.  Things like how much sodium you need in your diet, because you do need some!  

We also talk about healthy fats, and those fats to avoid, and the importance of protein and carbs (no they aren’t the devil!).

But here is a simple tip for you…

Don’t cut any one food group out of your diet, focus on serving size and balance.  

Try working up to adding ½ a plate of veggies to each meal.  

Then work towards a quarter of your plate to protein, and ¼  could be something like potato, brown rice or sweet potato. With a sliver of fat like avocado or a couple of tablespoons of salad dressing for fats. 

But don’t try to do this all at once.  If you have never eaten a veggie in your life.  Find ones to try and add them slowly over time.

Working up to two meals a day to start is a great place to be for consistency.


Stop Stress Eating With Habits

Diets Fail Because We Starve And Then Overeat

When we are working on weight loss a little hunger is normal, but if you’re losing more than two pounds a week you are in danger of burning out your metabolism before you reach your goal weight.

So how do we balance hunger so we don’t burn out our metabolism and we still lose weight so the diet doesn’t fail?

There are kind of two tips here, if you’re losing more than two pounds per week consistently then increase your calorie intake by 100 calories per day until you’re losing around 1.5 to 2 lbs per week on average.

Then another tip to reduce hunger is to eat a fat, fiber and protein each time you eat.  If we are talking about a snack, it could be cottage cheese and blueberries.  Or apple and peanut butter. Each of these snacks have all 3.

If we are talking about an actual meal, then veggies, chicken breast and avocado are a great combo. But the trick to staying full longer is to eat all 3 together.  This slows the digestion down so we stay full longer.


Printable Habit Trackers For Easy Weight Loss

Diets Fail Because Of Overwhelm

Now I’ve mentioned this in a couple of places, and we really break down how slow you should go in 100 Pound Weight Loss Framework, but trying to overhaul everything at once causes more diet failures than anything else.

I know we all want to lose weight now! And we see every set back as the end, but in reality what they say “You didn’t gain it overnight, you’re not going to lose it overnight!”, couldn’t be more true!

The process of losing weight and keeping it off, is really learning what in your mind takes you off track and learning how to deal with that without using food.

To end the overwhelm pick one option for getting healthy and create a habit around that, once you feel you have that habit under control add another.

For some this process can be implemented relatively quickly.  A new habit every week or so, but for others they may need a month or more for each new change.

Neither is wrong!

The stronger your new habits, the closer you are to success.

Let’s Close This Out…

When you feel like you failed your diet, really step back and look.  It’s totally possible the diet failed you! If you are following “All the things”, it’s often just too much.

I had to make my weight loss journey the third time about making long term changes. Did I lose weight overnight? No it took me 18 months to lose 120 pounds.  

But I have kept it off for 5 years… the power to maintain that weight loss comes from change that takes longer than a few months.  

I want this change for you!  

Each of the tips here is a starting point for permanent change.

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

Using NON-Scale Goals to Create a Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

Using NON-Scale Goals to Create a Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

Using NON-Scale Goals to Create a Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

Every diet I ever started, started with a weight loss goal… I wasn’t looking for a healthy diet for weight loss.    

Until the last one.  

My last weight loss journey I was terrified to set a weight loss goal for fear of failure.

I lost the first 90 pounds, 5 pounds at a time. 

And I totally focused on non-scale goals that had nothing to do with the horrible device.  ;)  

Don’t get me wrong the scale is an important TOOL for weight loss, but it doesn’t dictate what is healthy and what isn’t

Goals are really important but scale goals only will stop you from reaching your goal weight loss goal…

Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Creating a healthy diet for weight loss sounds so easy… but when the word diet is included nothing is easy!

So why should you really focus on the “Healthy” portion instead of the “diet” portion of that phrase?  We are going to go through this so hang out and see how this might work for you!

Healthy Diet for Weight Loss:  Focus on the Healthy

When you have 100 pounds or more to lose focusing on the “scale goal” and doing yet another diet feels like a life sucking mess!

This is what causes that horrible roller coaster of weight loss.

We go “ALL IN” changing EVERYTHING… then life happens, and our all in hasn’t become part of who we are yet, so we go completely OFF THE RAILS.

Instead focusing on small non-scale healthy goals, allows us to “become” that person we so want to become.

One of the early things I tracked was eating healthy portions.  Tracking the healthy portion gives us a trackable maintainable goal. It doesn’t depend on eating kale for success.

There are a lot of “things” we can do that are healthy.  We can focus on things like, water consumption, the number of steps we can take, or on healthy sized portions regardless of the food we are consuming.

I know focusing on “healthy” may not sound exciting.  But it kept me consistent and it helped me maintain once I reached my goal.


Stop Stress Eating With Habits

Healthy Diet for Weight Loss: Focusing on the Number on the Scale Is Overwhelming and Depressing

Every time I focused on the number on the scale, I would get overwhelmed and depressed.  100 pounds to lose feels like a lot of weight.

But and this is important, weighing is important.  Without weighing we don’t know if we are making progress.  

The number on the scale does not define YOU, but it is a marker that is necessary on your weight loss journey.

So this is the part of the weight loss journey where you separate who you are from the number on the scale. 

When we focus on the non-scale goals and only use the number on the scale as a single piece of data that helps us figure out how well our healthy diet for weight loss is working.


Printable Habit Trackers For Easy Weight Loss

Healthy Diet for Weight Loss: How Can You Find Non-scale Goals to Create a Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

The first step to this is ditching your preconceived notion of “diet”.  Let’s look at instead how to make this permanent!

In reality a diet is what you eat and how you fuel your body.  It’s not a short term thing you do to lose a few pounds (or a lot of pounds).

So going into the journey you can look for healthy goals that you can add to your day. Instead of looking for foods to remove from your day

I can’t tell you what your healthy goals will be.  For me I added water and tracked it, and got rid of boxed food for myself and my family. And finally I tracked my portion sizes.

This started off my weight loss journey and as I felt comfortable with these new habits, I added walking.  Then because I totally HATED veggies, I started adding veggies to my meals.

Each of these non-scale goals helped me take my fast food, boxed food loving life and convert it to a healthy diet.

Are you ready to do a conversion?  It’s not as hard as it sounds when you address the mindset issues that have you reaching for food to solve all the problems of life.

More on that later… For now…

Let’s Close This Out…

Non-scale goals give you power in your weight loss journey.  You can build your own definition of a healthy diet for weight loss by defining your version of “healthy”.

You don’t have to live on Kale smoothies and chia seeds to be healthy and lose weight.

So often we jump with both feet into total change, and then wonder why we can’t stay on track.

The secret to staying consistent in your weight loss journey and then maintaining that weight loss is small changes over time that you can live with permanently.

If you want to learn how to create small goals jump into my Free 5 Day Challenge coming up mid February. We spend a week learning how to break our healthy goals into small habits and how to track those goals for permanent weight loss.

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

100 Pound Weight Loss Requires a Lot of Self Love! How Can You Love You While Losing Weight?

100 Pound Weight Loss Requires a Lot of Self Love! How Can You Love You While Losing Weight?

100 Pound Weight Loss Requires a Lot of Self Love! How Can You Love You While Losing Weight?

I started my 100 pound weight loss journey not overly impressed with myself or my ability to lose weight, and I honestly hated myself. And I truly didn’t understand the concept of self love.  

Now I had one thing besides my family that I took pride in, and that was being successful in my career.  I was proud of the field I was in and my place in it.

But with regards to me, looking at myself in the mirror was incredibly painful.  I basically grossed myself out. The words in my head were mean and nasty, and I would go off plan and beat myself up for days…. I didn’t provide myself any form of unconditional self love.  Unfortunately, I reserved all the unconditional love for my kids and hubby.

This mental beating was this biggest issue in my consistent 100 pound weight loss.  It  caused me to go off track over and over throughout many years.

To overcome this I had to make some adjustments and learn to love me where I was.   This was the path to reaching my goals.

Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Overcoming this mental beating is what allowed me to successfully reach my 100 pound weight loss goal.

To get here I had to learn to love me where I was and stop beating myself up for being human.  If you are busy telling yourself all the horrible things you’re doing, how are you going to know when you’re doing something good?

Question… Do you praise yourself for the good times or just beat yourself up when you’re not perfect?  Where’s your focus?

What you focus on is what happens and it’s what you see.

Now this became a big deal, because I would go off track and then eat for days because I went off track once… so if this is you, listen up!

Self Love Comes from Being Curious about Your 100 Pound Weight Loss

Are ya ready? 

The first step is being curious.  

It’s time to  figure out why you go off track initially.  For me, it was usually exposure, or coping with stress and anxiety.  In my case, I wasn’t skilled at navigating events where food was freely available, or dealing with life events.

Maybe you also eat to cope with life’s stresses, or your anxiety.

And let’s not forget eating because of anger, or sadness or even loneliness.

Finally a big one for me was, I used food to cope with these emotions instead of dealing with them.  I would eat because I messed up.

Taking time to invest in this step allows you to understand why you’re having issues with your 100 pound weight loss journey.  

Usually the question I get now is: “But how did you use self love to overcome and actually lose 120 pounds and keep it off?”  

We are going to talk about this over the next couple of sections.  ?


Stop Stress Eating With Habits

Use Self Love To Be Gentle to Yourself for Your 100 Pound Weight Loss

Okay, so now I knew why, I was curious and I actually paid attention as I was going off track.  I journaled and watched what I was doing almost from afar…

In order to move past this, I needed to basically parent myself and figure out how to express my feelings

I know it sounds difficult, but picture parenting a 2 year old that accidentally spilt a glass of milk.

Being gentle with yourself is key, particularly if you are eating in response to emotions.  

Giving yourself gentle love as you figure out why and then teaching yourself a new way were the only way I could lose 100 pounds and keep it off.

How do you teach yourself? 

I did it by brainstorming options… I tried to come up with new ways to deal with my emotions.  I had conversations in my head and journaled about other ways I could deal with a specific situation.

To be honest… there isn’t a blanket solution.  Your solution for stress eating is going to be different than mine, but the process to find that solution is going to be the same…

One process is to journal options for the specific situation.

We spend a lot of time working on unique solutions to this in the 100 Pound Weight Loss Formula, my group coaching program for 100 pound weight loss.


Printable Habit Trackers For Easy Weight Loss

Self Love in the Form ofGiving Yourself Grace for Your 100 Pound Weight Loss

Now let’s talk about one of the most important parts of the process.  ;) I figured out this growth process with trial and error, I had to give myself grace when I didn’t quite do perfect.

Guess what happened…

As I started giving myself grace for not being perfect I started losing weight.

Notice I didn’t say I stopped messing up and I started losing, because I continued to mess up and I still do.

But now when I don’t stick to my plan perfectly I stop and look at why. 

And then I start right where I am and I return to my plan.  I don’t eat for days, or starve myself because I ate extra handfuls of granola when I make my yogurt. 

I simply start my very next meal like nothing happened at all.

Giving yourself grace is a big part of self love.  This is the step that allows you to be human.

Let’s Close This Out…

Being curious, gently correcting your course and giving yourself grace are the 3 keys to 100 pound weight loss and then maintaining the loss after the fact.

I’m saying stop using your imperfection as an excuse to keep eating.  It’s an excuse. And don’t beat yourself up, when you aren’t perfect. These just keep you eating, and it’s causing the weight loss rollercoaster.

Are you using stress as an excuse to eat.  Are you then beating yourself up because you stress eat.  Do you follow this up with a ton of extra eating for days?

This is just one example I see all the time.  So instead get curious, gently teach yourself a new way and give yourself grace when you aren’t perfect.

These steps will allow you to implement self love on your weight loss journey instead of trying to bully yourself into losing weight.  (This doesn’t work BTW… I tried it MANY times)

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).