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Macros Archives - ONEderland Wellness
Are You Tracking The Important Stuff For Weight Loss?

Are You Tracking The Important Stuff For Weight Loss?

The number on the scale is not the be-all and end-all measure of weight loss success.

I see all the time, “Muscle weighs more than fat”, and then I see 70 people jump on the person that said that about how a pound is a pound.  LOL

Guess what?

1 pound of muscle takes up about ¼ of the space as 1 pound of fat.

Sooo if you are gaining muscle, but losing fat, the scale may not move, but your measurements are going to change.

Today’s podcast covers this as well as some tips to keep in mind as you’re losing weight and ready to throw the flipping scale out the window because it’s not moving fast enough.

Listen in to learn more.

Let’s talk healthy!

About Reaching ONEderland

Welcome to Reaching ONEderland where I help you reach your weight loss goal and maintain it because without maintaining it, you’re stuck on that weight loss rollercoaster forever. It is my belief that mindset, habits, and Macros are the cornerstones of reaching your weight loss goals.

Each of these along with moderation helped me finally lose 120 pounds and they helped me maintain my weight loss 7 years later – even as I go into menopause.

You can use these skills to lose weight, balance hormones, bust cravings, break plateaus and get on track and stay there!

About Coach Michelle

I’m coach Michelle and I am a unique weight loss coach in that for 42 years, I was on the weight loss rollercoaster. Over 30 years I lost a hundred pounds, three times.

The doctor put me on my very first diet at the age of nine, and it was a 900 calorie diet. Let’s just say, I never want to go back there.  But it wasn’t until I was 42 that I actually figured out how to lose the weight and keep it off.  At 42 I lost weight in 18 months and I’ve maintained it for seven years.

If you do the math, that means I am 50 years old and I am still maintaining said 120-pound weight loss that took me about 18 months to achieve, and I achieved that weight loss after 40.

I am here to help you reach your weight loss goal and stay there!

Don’t listen when they say you can’t lose weight after you reach 40,

My goal is not to help you do another diet! But to create a lifestyle of healthy living that allows you to maintain your weight loss for life!


Weight loss is about a lot more than “eat less and move more”!  But to reach your goal the number one thing you must do is track what you eat!

Get started with the basics for weight loss in this free guide:  3 Simple Tips to Balance Hormones for Weight Loss

Get your “3 steps to lose weight without setting yourself up for the weight loss rollercoaster so you can become the happy, healthy, active, woman, wife, mother, and/or grandmother you want to be!”


Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.



Simple Weight Loss for Women Over 40, Macros, hormone imbalance, hormone balance, menopause

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

Building a meaningful, mindful relationship with food

Building a meaningful, mindful relationship with food

Building a meaningful, mindful relationship with food

Let’s do an experiment. If I tell you, “stop thinking about potato chips!” then what’s the first thing that comes into your mind?

Potato chips.

So now remember each time when you decide to go on a diet, you promise to “stop eating XYZ”, but after awhile you realize you keep thinking about XYZ, and eventually you start eating XYZ again.

That’s because when you tell yourself to “stop thinking about this, stop eating that”, your mind perceives it as “talking yourself into” doing something. This is use of willpower. And willpower does not always work. Think about all those attempts you have to stay on a diet with just will power.

However, when you set an intention, you can influence the EXPECTATION of the subconscious mind.
With an intention, you are telling your subconscious mind this is what you expect. This is to align your true desire with a meaningful goal that is the bigger picture of you.

For example, what sounds better, “stop eating junk food” OR “to enjoy the pleasure of eating healthy food in a healthy way”? Which sounds more like what you really, really want for life?

The intention of building an excellent relationship with food sounds more meaningful, fulfilling, and rewarding, isn’t it? And because it’s more truthful to your authentic self, it’s going to last long too.

So instead of “cutting the relationship with certain food”, you want to “build a healthy relationship with food”. Think about what a healthy relationship entails: respect, appreciation, gratitude, patience, understanding, contentment, and satisfaction. That’s right; you can have that with food.

So now, just before you take that first bite, pause for a moment and breathe in contentment and with a slow exhalation, relax your face and soften the body. Now pick up that first bite of food and really look at it. Notice the colors, shape, texture, the feeling inside your body when you look at this food and just think, I’m grateful to have it as my source of energy.

Direct that gratitude toward the food that is about to enter your body. Now just say this in your mind as if you really mean it: I am so easily satisfied. I am content. I am fulfilled.

As you put that food in your mouth, now savor it more than ever before. Really notice the texture, scent, flavor, and the feelings inside your body. Think like this bite is all that exists because this moment is all yours, the special one between just you and the food.

As you begin to notice the sensations inside your body, the food is communicating with you, and you know that you’re getting good at knowing how much and what kind of food is just right for you to have the joy of eating. And as you continue to eat and savor each bite, you become aware of details that you haven’t noticed before. Just by noticing these things lets you become more appreciative of how much more you can feel and connect to yourself.

And as you continue to notice the feeling of eating and enjoy feeling that feeling of reconnecting with yourself, you truly understand that you are at the safe, secure, comfortable time and space to savor this experience. You get to savor the way the food tastes and feels in your mouth, through your throat, to your stomach, and you can just think to yourself, I am so content. I am protected.

The more you practice, the more you will enjoy your food at each bite. As you begin to notice how each bite makes you feel, you’re becoming more and more grateful at how easily you’re satisfied and how content you are. The more grateful you are, the more satisfied you become and the more satisfied you become, the more content you are.

And the more content you are, the less you desire excessive eating or grabbing junk food because you’re already appreciative and fulfilled, so you don’t need to overeat unhealthy food anymore. That’s how you know now you are free.

That’s right. Free and finding it easy to recognize satisfaction and it’s fun to push extra food away, because you have that freedom. You’re free to know that extra food serves no purpose inside your body. With that freedom, just acknowledge your worthiness by repeating in your mind I am worthy to be free. Because I deserve it.

With this way to establish a new way to connect yourself with food, this new relationship with food brings a beautiful, nourishing experience as you use food to fuel, energize and revitalize your body. This healthy relationship makes food your best partner that you want to nurture in a positive way that grows, continues to get better, and makes you feel more wonderful.

Ophelia Wang


Ophelia began studying alternative therapy after major upheavals in life and nothing worked to relieve her pain. With background of botany, ecology, conservation and geography as a professional consultant to heal the natural environment, Ophelia is now dedicated to heal the human environment. Learning from master teachers, Ophelia integrates many techniques of hypnotherapy and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to enhance self-growth, recovery from past trauma, and self-worth. Ophelia provides online and in-person hypnotherapy sessions to address many physical-emotional issues.

Losing 100 Pounds and being Consistent is Possible!

Losing 100 Pounds and being Consistent is Possible!

Losing 100 Pounds and being Consistent is Possible!

Losing 100 Pounds Consistently is Possible when you stop trying to do it fast.  It was the fast part that threw my weight loss journey waaaay off track.

I had to stop dieting and trying to do it in 6 months.  Because doing this way caused me to gain it all back when I was done, not once but twice.

When I resigned myself to losing the weight in a year or more, I ROCKED it, I want you to ROCK it too.  Take a moment and see the shifts I made, and my results and see if it will work for you too!

Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Losing 100 Pounds and Being Consistent Took a Mindset Shift

Stop Stress & Emotional Eating with Simple & Sustainable Habits

Let’s Close This Out…

Losing 100+ pounds wasn’t a quick  journey. I chose to make my journey a #JourneyToHealthy instead of an all or nothing life suck.

By taking it slow and focusing on these 4 pillars I was able to lose 120 pounds and finally maintain it for 5 years. The 4 pillars I focused on were:

  1. Mindset
  2. Habits
  3. Nutrition
  4. Movement/Fitness

The weight maintenance starts in the journey itself.  Learning new ways to live and love life.

If your ready to learn new ways to live and love life make sure head over to my Facebook Group Mastering Weight Loss for Women Over 40, where I share tips to help you master the 4 pillars of 100 pound weight loss.

Ready to take your journey to the next level?

Jump into the most supportive 100 pound weight loss community on Facebook. 

Mastering Weight Loss Losing 100 Pounds for Women Over 40

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

How Many Calories is Too Little? The lower the better… 18 months later, I learned I was WRONG! This can help you stay consistent on your 100 Pound Weight Loss Journey!

How Many Calories is Too Little? The lower the better… 18 months later, I learned I was WRONG! This can help you stay consistent on your 100 Pound Weight Loss Journey!

How Many Calories is Too Little? The lower the better… 18 months later, I learned I was WRONG! This can help you stay consistent on your 100 Pound Weight Loss Journey!

This will save you heart ache and time!

Are you asking yourself “How many Calories is Too Little?” or “How low can I go to lose this weight as fast as possible?” 

The diet industry wants us to believe that to lose weight we have to eat 1200 calories…

This myth has kept me from losing weight for a long time.  Could I eat only 1200 calories… sure. 

But I was starving, and being that hungry all the time lead me to eat out of control.  

It made me feel like I was a horrible person because I couldn’t just suck it up and deal with the hunger.

I felt like it was all my fault that I couldn’t lose weight because I couldn’t control my appetite. 

This meant, I was doomed to be fat for the rest of my life. There was no way out…

I was wrong!  I did figure it out, but I had to do it different.

Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

How Many Calories is Too Little?: Don’t shoot for the lowest

When your trying to lose 100 pounds you try to overhaul everything.  This leads to start and stop.

You fall into the All-Or-Nothing trap (The Star Wars geek in me sees the squid saying… “It’s a trap!”)  and try to control your food….

Guess what?

This doesn’t work!

So, where do you start?

The first thing to do is to honestly track what you eat now!



Why am I stressing this point?

Because I was you!

We like to pretend we aren’t eating as much as we are! So head over to http://MyFitnessPal.com and create an account.

Download the app to your phone and start tracking for one week. Don’t change what you eat just track it.  If your eating at home weigh your food.

What’s next?

Now you have a good idea of what your eating.  The diet industry would tell you to deduct 1000 calories from your current day.

DON’T do this!

This will lead to major hunger and then you’ll miss all your foods, and you’ll start the circle of I really want that, you’ll eat the treat, get mad at yourself and then the cycle will just repeat until you give up.


Just deduct 250 calories to start.  Seriously… don’t do more than this.

Focus on adding fruits and veggies this will fill you up faster and you’ll eat less.  

If you like pasta, add a ton of veggies to 1 cup of pasta.  Don’t tell yourself you CAN’T have pasta, just make pasta a healthier option.

Grab your detailed Workbook to finally stop stress eating for FREE

How Many Calories is Too Little?: Why Cutting Calories LOW is a Recipe For Disaster

If after a lifetime overhauling your diet 100% and aiming for perfection has left you feeling dissatisfied, lost and struggling.  Particularly if you use food as an emotional tool. Then keep reading!

As you probably know by now, I was obese from childhood through my early 40’s.  I used food as a coping tool. It solved all my problems, and it’s how I coped with everything.

Sooo, massively cutting calories meant I had to cope with these feelings in some other way.  Usually anger, sometimes depression…

When I couldn’t handle the low calories anymore the anger would turn on myself. And I would take it out on me by eating everything I could get my hands on.  It’s a miserable place to live.

Weight loss is more than cutting calories and moving more when your ability to deal with life and emotions is tied to the food you eat.

I started asking myself “How Many Calories is Too Little?” But in a completely different context.  I wanted to know what I could handle. How could I subtract a little and still cope with life… 

Taking the change slow, is how you start to learn to change the mindset and habits you have so you can keep the weight loss consistent.

Ready to take your journey to the next level? Join my group to Master your Weight Loss Motivation using Mindset & Habits!

How Many Calories is Too Little?: But Michelle I want the weight off NOW! So I will cut my calories low to get there….

Let me share…. We all want it off now! But my experience is this…

One of two things happen…

Possibility one, you do reach your goal!  Yay you! But then life happens, and you haven’t learned to cope with your emotions and you haven’t setup habits to support your new life. So guess what?  It all comes back, or most of it… even worse you gain more.

I did this twice… Losing 100 pounds in 4 months.  Gained it back in 6 and then gained more over the next 10 years while trying to lose again.

Second time I lost 100 pounds in 6 months… gained it back in a year and then spent the next 10 years trying to take it off again, while gaining even more.

Possibility two, you never reach your goal. You go into a dieting cycle of 10-20 pounds off and you keep cycling because you haven’t learned to cope with life without using food.

Emotional eating sucks! I lump stress eating, happy eating, sad eating, no control eating all under this umbrella…

All of these are a sign that we use food to cope with the ups and downs of life. Life isn’t going to stop being a rollercoaster… so to lose 100+ pounds we have to learn how to cope with the highs and lows without using food to cope.

This is the reason I had to go slow the final time I lost 100 pounds.  And why I coach women to start slow and learn how to deal. It may start off slow, but you can cut more calories more as you learn.

Let’s Close This Out…

Losing 100+ pounds is a life changing event!  In the last 5 years I have experienced more life than I did in 42 years.  But I did it because I learned to change my mindset and my habits as I was losing weight.

I tell my coaching clients, weight loss isn’t going to fix your relationships, your view of yourself or the house you live in.  So if you’ve started asking yourself “How many calories is too little?” This is a great step one, step two is if I cut my calories a little how will I cope with life without that food.

Ready to take your journey to the next level? Join my group to Master your Weight Loss Motivation using Mindset & Habits!

Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).

Want the Secrets to Creating A Healthy Grocery List?

Want the Secrets to Creating A Healthy Grocery List?

Want the Secrets to Creating A Healthy Grocery List?

Creating a grocery list filled with healthy items isn’t as hard as you think! And my secret’s will keep the family from running away from the table with the look of death.  :)

It does take some planning.  If you do a little work ahead of time, it’ll save you money and time in the store.

I’m excited to show you how you can do the planning ahead of time. This little bit o’ planning will prevent your teens from rebelling because of the healthy food at the dinner table…

Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Creating a Healthy Grocery Secret 1: Defining a Healthy Meal

In order to create a healthy grocery list you have to know what a healthy meal is…

So let’s tackle this first…

Healthy meals should have ingredients that don’t come in a box…

This means recipe’s ladies!

Let’s get rid of processed foods, they are addicting and they do nuttin’ but expand our waistlines!

Now this doesn’t mean hours in the kitchen. I promise!

Really I spend way less time in the kitchen now, then when I cooked from a box.

How you ask…

I make use of tools like the crock pot and the grill, or my George Foreman grill in the winter time.

So what does our grocery list actually have on it?

Mostly fresh foods!

Some can goods and frozen foods are ok too.

So let’s look at the less obvious…

What to look for with frozen foods:

With Frozen foods, the only ingredient should be the produce, or meat.  There shouldn’t be added ingredients. Just keep it simple…

How about the canned goods?

Since canned goods are cheaper and they don’t go bad they are a great option too!

There is a thing or two we need to watch out for…

Watch out for sodium!

Look for low or no sodium options.  

You can season your food without the added sodium.

The seasoning in store bought foods add all kinds of hidden “stuff” we don’t want to add.

Let’s keep going to create your own healthy grocery list.


August 17-21st

Are ya ready for consistent weight loss? 

Join today to get off that weight loss rollercoaster,

learn the 5 steps to consistent weight loss to lose 100 pounds forever!

Jumpstart 100 : Weight Loss-Healthy Habits for Life


Creating a Healthy Grocery List Secret 2:Finding the Recipes

**Important**Poll your family and find out what their favorite meals are…

Don’t skip this step, if you have teenagers… or husbands with picky tastes…

Now we  take some time and cruise the web… we are going to find healthy alternatives to their fav’s…

Really this only takes a bit the first time… You can redo this once a year to refresh the menus. Block out a couple of hours total to do this. But don’t do it all at once.

Don’t panic!  Do the polling one day, and then do a recipe or two a day until you have them all or at least 15-20 of them.  

This is enough for a few weeks. And then you can recycle… ;)

Now where do you go to find those healthy meal alternatives?

I won’t leave ya’ hanging…

Where do I find healthy recipes?…

Here are my 3 favorite spots… and of course one of them is my menu board on Pinterest.  :) Save that board, I add lots of recipes there.

You will find my meal prep recipes there. And those items that my family has approved.

But I also use two other sites, here are the 3 I use:

There are a ton of sites to use, these are just my favorites.

You can just search the Homemade+recipe name +healthy on google and you’ll get some great ideas.

Here is one example I used when looking up my youngest’s favorite meal… Italian Hamburger Helper

Once I have the recipes together, I print them.  Once my family has tried the meal and they approved I add it to my recipe  3 ring binder.

Why are all of these steps important to create a healthy grocery list?

Including the family in the healthy lifestyle change, helps them!  My teens actually enjoy looking up recipes in the summer and on breaks. 

Another great perk… it reduces the whining…

This is a new habit that moves you toward your 100 pound goal… hint, hint, wink, wink…

One tiny healthy lifestyle change… and it’s a non-scale related goal!

Meal planning is key to creating your healthy grocery list for the week.  This is step 1 on your 100 pound journey!

Now that you know what a healthy meal looks like, and you have a list of menu options you can start your healthy  grocery list..


August 17-21st

Are ya ready for consistent weight loss? 

Join today to get off that weight loss rollercoaster,

learn the 5 steps to consistent weight loss to lose 100 pounds forever!

Jumpstart 100 : Weight Loss-Healthy Habits for Life


Creating a Healthy Grocery List Secret 3: Creating the List and Menu Plan


Now you know what a healthy meal looks like and you have a list of recipes to use.

Even better they have been family approved…

So what is the final step…

Now you choose a day, and you sit down with your recipes and you create the meal plan for the week AND your grocery list…

Check out my sample grocery list for a family of 4.  You can download it below.  :)

Grab your sample grocery list!

Now in the weeks coming up you should look up one or two recipes.  And add those to your weekly menus.

I have about 45 or 50 that I now ask the kids to pick through and choose each week.  That way they are picking the menus and there is no need for complaints. :)


Let’s Close this out…

 So what did we cover…

We covered what makes a healthy meal..

How to create menu’s that even picky teen’s will eat, and finally how to create a healthy grocery list…

I even threw in a sample just so I could make my list for the week. ;)

We learned a healthy grocery list, requires meal planning.  

This actually does a few things for us…

  1. Creating the grocery list keeps us from going down the isles we don’t need.
  2. This step alone save major time!
  3. Creating the grocery list also saves us money because we only buy what we need.
  4. This plan will reduce your waistline because you know the meals are healthy.  

Some of the websites you can use for recipe’s are listed below in resources. But experiment and find sites you like… look for recipes that have whole foods and spices.


Ready to take your journey to the next level? Join my group to Master your Weight Loss Motivation using Mindset & Habits!


Coach, Personal Trainer & Author

 100 Lb Weight Loss For Women Over 40. Lifestyle and Habit based instead of diet.Hi All! I am an ACECertified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and I am a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who have 100 pounds or more to lose, I coach them and give them the tools to change their habits and change their lives forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Nutrition Challenges and Coaching, I’m here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I’m not coaching you can find me lifting heaving things(often my teens), creating new healthy recipes or researching new lifting techniques.

Reading Food Labels to Lose 100 Pounds Part 2

Reading Food Labels to Lose 100 Pounds Part 2

Reading Food Labels to Lose 100 Pounds Part 2

Reading food labels is an important part of the weight loss journey.  even if it’s not that exiting, it’s, one of the tools I used to lose 120 pounds and I use this skill now to maintain that loss. 

Reading food labels is a little dry, but it needs to be understood, so let’s dive in to part 2 of this series…  If you missed part 1 check it out here.

Today we are going to look at Fats, Proteins and Carbs…

These are the building blocks of good nutrition, and I want to share a few inside tricks with you…

So let’s see what I can share with you!

Don't Know Where to Start Creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, Macros

If you're new here, and you don’t know where to start on your journey? I lost 120 lbs and I have kept it off for almost 8 years.  Check out the following posts to get you started.

 And while you're here ya should definitely grab guide to get started creating some basic habits, the pre work no one talks about to creating a Simply Healthy Lifestyle.

Reading Food Labels: Fats

Reading Food Labels For Women over 40 that have 100 Pounds to lose

What do ya’ need to know about fats when reading the  food label?

Really the first thing to know is that fats aren’t bad.  We do need them! But… and this is a big but (no pun intended)…

Fat is a different beast, protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram.  Fat has 9 calories per gram.

Fat’s should really only make up about 25-35% of your daily calorie intake.  

And they should also come from sources such as Olive Oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, and possibly dairy.

But you do need fats in your diet…

There are several benefits to fat in the diet, and here are a few from ACEFitness.org

Benefits of Fat in the Diet

  • Energy
  • Hormone production – sex hormones, steroid, and cholesterol
  • Brain function and mood
  • Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins – vitamins A, D, E and K
  • Flavor – fat carries flavor and provides mouth-feel that improves meal satisfaction
  • Satiety – fat takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, so you feel fuller for longer

So when you read the food label, keep that in mind.  Now, there are 3 kinds of fats listed on the label. And then there is the total fat in a serving.

The 3 types of fat listed are:

  • Trans fat
  • Saturated Fat
  • Unsaturated Fat

Let’s look at each of these:

Trans Fat

Trans fat is the one you want to avoid completely

The FDA says 1.11 grams of this per day is okay, but your body really doesn’t agree!

And unfortunately the food manufacturer’s have figured out how to list items as Trans Fat free even when there is “a little”.  The FDA allows food manufacturers to round down…

So what does this mean for you?

If a food has .49 grams of Trans Fat, it can be listed as Trans Fat Free!  

Trans fats are created by the processing  vegetables… sounds healthy, but the process used to create them is not healthy for your body.  

Foods that have trans fats, hidden or otherwise include margarine, snack foods, packaged baked goods and fat for frying fast food… so even if one of these items say trans fat free, remember that the FDA allows the manufacturer to round down.  

Guess what?  

They may not be trans fat free…

Saturated Fats

Saturated Fat is another source of fat, it is listed separately because it can cause issues with raising cholesterol.  But in the right forms it’s still good for us.

One example of a good for you Saturated Fat is Coconut oil.  

The American Heart Association does recommend limiting this source of fat because of there may be a  cholesterol raising factor.

Monounsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature when they come in oil form.  Like Olive oil.

But you should know two other fats fall into this category.  Avocado and Almonds!

The majority of the fat I eat falls into this category with just enough of the following Polyunsaturated Fats to keep me healthy.

Polyunsaturated Fats

There are two different polyunsaturated fats, and each of them are needed in our diet.  

But the US diet includes way too many of one of them….

Omega-3’s are the first one…

They are anti-inflammatory and they lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes and depression and obesity…

They are most often found in fish, flax and chia seeds.

Omega-6’s are the second…

These are the guys that the US diet has way too much of…

Because these are found in processed foods.

These fats are pro-inflammatory.  

I blame these guys for a big portion of the pain I was in prior to starting my journey!  

My body was filled with inflammation, and I feel it was caused by the processed food we consumed and specifically Omega-6 fatty acids..

I’m sure part of it was all the extra weight, but once I started cutting out inflammatory foods, I saw a huge change in the way I felt.

The healthy Omega-6’s are found in Nut and seed oils.  

When these two fats are eaten together,  the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory characteristics balance each other out!

Now you have some basics about fat!  Remember, keep it simple to start with!

Start by lowering your fat intake to between 25%-35% of your total calories and then try to clean up the fats your eating.  This is a great step by step to follow…


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Reading Food Labels: Protein

Reading Food Labels for women over 40 with 100 pounds to lose

This macro is very important and the average person does not get nearly enough!  

Protein helps to build and maintain muscle.

Women need muscle too. :)  

Strong muscles lead to strong bones.  And you can’t have either without protein.

As a weight lifter, I must give my mandatory plug for building muscle… :)

I started lifting after my mother broke her ribs moving laundry from the washer to the dryer from osteoporosis!

And the process of weight lifting actually strengthens the bones and lowers the risk of osteoporosis… ok, I am done plugging weight lifting… hahaha

How much Protein do you need?

Ok, let’s get back to protein… so how much do you NEED?

This depends on several factors, but most women that have a 100 pounds or more to lose should be eating at least 100 grams of protein per day.  

Basically, your protein requirement is .8 X your lean muscle mass.  But when I was 100 lbs overweight I had no idea how much lean muscle mass I had… so the 100 grams is very much an estimate….

I would say if you get between 85-100 grams of protein your headed in the right direction.

If at some point  you choose find out your actual muscle mass… this is only if you have an interest in doing this!  It’s not required to lose weight. :)

To put this in perspective a 4 ounce piece of chicken has 25 grams of protein.  

So on a good day you need about 4 palm size pieces of chicken… now don’t run out kill yourself eating chicken!  LOL .

But watch your processed food . An item with 11 grams of protein is acceptable as long as it is low in added sugar.


Stop Stress Eating With Habits

Reading Food Labels: Carbohydrates

The first thing you need to know is when it comes to carbs and reading food labels is…

Carbs are not the devil!  

But processed carbs come close…

The non-processed kind, like potatoes, fruit and vegetables are important.

These nutrient dense carbs give you energy, fuel your muscles and give your brain power.

Who doesn’t want more brain power, am I right?

Carbs are broken down into to pieces… fiber and sugar.  Let’s take a look…

What about the Fiber…

Now you want carbs high in fiber and low in sugar, and we get this from all those fruits and veggies.

To keep things running smoothly you want about 25 grams of fiber per day… but don’t try to reach that goal without building to it.

If ya do, it will be a bathroom party for days…. That is your public service announcement for the day.  hahah

Great sources of fiber include:  Fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, beans and peas.

This leaves you with the sugar part of the carb.

What about the sugar…

Not all sugars are the same.  When looking at the food label, it’s best to run away from anything with added sugars.

Bummer I know, but it will help you have that 100 pound before and after picture…  So I personally call this a good trade off!

What else do  you need to know about sugar?

  • Only 10% of your calories should come from sugar.  
  • Fruits and dairy products contain natural sugars
  • Processed foods contain added sugars

The added sugars usually comes in the form of High Fructose Corn Syrup or even just sugar.  

These added sugars really add up and it would be best to avoid them where you can.

Over all limiting sugar is a good way to decrease your waistline and improve your health.

Let’s Wrap this Up…

Wow!  We covered A LOT today…

A summary for today may be complete overwhelm, but I hope not.  This is an important skill for you to start working on.  So let me give ya’ a little summary…


  • Fats should be limited to 25-35% of your calories
  • Fats are needed in the diet, but they do have higher calories than carbs and protein
  • Healthy good for you fats include: coconut oil, avocado, almonds, olive oil, flax seed, chia seeds and fish-oil.
  • Run from Trans fats
  • Watch the fat in processed food it causes inflammation–OUCH!


  • Most women don’t eat enough protein
  • Protein is needed to build strong muscles and bones
  • Shoot for 85-100 grams
  • The calculation for the amount of actual protein you need is .8 X Lean Muscle Mass (for non weight lifters)
  • 4 oz of chicken has 25 grams of protein 
  • Protein should be a part of each meal & snack


  • Carbs are not the devil!
  • Focus on whole food carbs (potato’s, fruits, veggies & whole grains)
  • Carbs are made of two items, fiber and sugars
  • We need 25-50 grams of fiber per day 
  • Watch the added sugars and eliminate high fructose corn syrup

If you want more information check out these resources:







Coach Michelle

Ace Certified Health Coach, Precision Nutrition PN1 Coach, Fit Chicks Certified Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

Simple Weight Loss Over 40, MacrosHey You Amazing Lady! 

Let me help you reach your healthy lifestyle goals. I've lost 120 pounds and maintained it for 8 years, and helped countless others reach their goal too. I'm an ACE Certified Health Coach, a certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and a Certified Wellness, Nutrition and Fitness Coach for people who want to reach ONEderland (below 199 on the scale) and stay there, I coach you and give you the tools to change your nutrition and movement habits and change you life forever.

Through my passionate and open hearted Online Wellness classes, Digital products, and a Simply Healthy Accountability membership. I'm here to inspire you to change your approach to weight loss and wellness—while making it all feel like a natural part of who you are.

And when I'm not coaching you can find me walking with my teens, hanging with my hubby, or playing with my dogs (all four of them).